Wednesday 7 December 2011

Research for Movement

In the above photo it uses a mixture or dark colours and a bright red to make the she stand out, the colours in this photo have been picked on purpose to make it stand out more. It has also used the technique where it uses a high shutter speed so that everything in the background is more blurred than the main focus (the red shed). This has been done on purpose to make the main feature of the photo look brighter than the background, it shows its the best part in the photo. The rule of thirds was likely used in this picture too to get it in the correct lining with everything around it. This makes the photo look tidier and not as if its been taken to much at random.

The main feature in this photo is the strobe lighting around the man in the centre. To get this effect they have used a low shutter speed to capture the lights being spun around by the man, this makes them look as if they are all going on around him at one time. It also looks as if the contrast has been edited to make the lights stand out even more from the photo to catch the viewer's eyes. The aperture and depth of focus have also been used to let in only the strobe lighting into the photo, yet keep the rest of the photo fairly dark. The depth of focus is only concentrated on thestrobe lighting.

In this photo the shutter speed would of been quite low as the majority of the photo is blurred, but this is used to good effect. As it makes the lighting and the white dress in the photo stand out more than the black background. So by editing this photo into purely just black and white it makes the picture look better than what it would of in colour, as it would of had all of the different colours interfeering with each other. It also uses a dark aperture to allow only the person and lights in the background of this photo to be a focus to the viewers looking at it.

In this photo the smoke has been edited into different colours, to make the image look like a rose. The contrast has been put up very high to make the colours stand out more than what they originally would anyway. And to create the shape of the smoke it would have been taken infront of a black background to make the smoke stand out to its full potential. It would also of had a light shining onto it to let it capture it. The camera would of had a dark aperture and depth of focus to make the smoke shaped rose stand out more.

The main feature of this photo is the person on the bike and this is very clear as the surrounding part of the photo is very blurry. To create this affect they would of used a low shutter speed to only capture the person on the bike in movement. They also went on to edit the photo into black and white which gives the photo more of a serious effect which the photographer may of been going for. It also only used a medium aperture and depth of focus because the image itself isn't totally in focus at any point and as it allows a mixed amount of dark and bright light in.

This photo uses much the same techniques as the picture of the smoke eited to look like a rose. It has had the smokes colouring edited to give it more of an interesting feel. It has used a black background to capture the way in which it looks better than what it would look without it. It also uses high shutter speed as it captures every detail in the photo very well, this makes the smoke look more interesting than what it would look without it. The aperture and depth of focus woul also of been bright to get the best look upon the smoke.

In this photo it uses a very small shutter speed to make the bus blurry, but not the background. Giving the image a different effect than what is normally done with photos as it makes you concentrate on what is going on in the background of the photo. It would also of used a bright aperture and depth of focus to allow the amount of light which is in the photo to stand out so much. The contrast in this photo would also of been highered to make the bus stand out even though it is blurry.

In this photo the shutter speed would of been very low as the main focus of the image is blurry, yet this is used to a good advantage as it makes all of the colours murge together to look very good. It captures the viewer's eyes very quickly. This is also helped by the fact the the background in black, allowing the main focus to capture a lot of light. This would of been done via using a bright aperture and depth of focus, as it is very colourful. It would also of been line together using the rule of thirds, lining up everything in the image to make it look tidy and well put together, as if there was some thought behin it being captured.

Jon Madison

In this image they have kept all of the colour, but edited to that it is darker and used the colours which represent where the heat is at in the different parts of it. It has also been taken from a ground angle showing everything which is above where the photography must of been standing to capture it. It also must of used a high shutter speed to capture the rain which is falling down the image. This can only of been done using a high shutter speed as it is fast enough to capture it. The aperture of the photo would also of been bright as all the colours in the image are bright and there are only dark parts where shadows would be.


In this image it definitely uses a high shutter speed to capture all of the lights that are going on, on the road. But this would also have to of been edited together by a few different images of the road when traffic has been going on. By doing this is makes it look like there are cars going extremely fast in the image. The main focus of the photo are the lights too, so the contrast on them has been brightened very much so to make them stand out even more than what they already do. The aperture an depth of focus would of been bright too to get as much light into the photo as possible to capture all of the different lights going on at different times.

Sara Heinrichs 

In this image there would of been a bright aperture and depth of focus used to let all of the different colours in the image come upto there full potential, this shows off all of the different things going on in the image in good detail too. It would of used a high shutter speed too to capture the spinning in different objects in the photo, yet still capture everything else in the image in good detail. It also looks as if the image has been edited to make the colours brighter than the sky in the background.

James Drury

In this image it used a bright aperture and depth of focus to let the colours of the train going through the woods come out to there full potential, this is one as the white all around the train is very different from the colours of the train (blue and purple). It also uses a low shutted speed to show off the fact that the train is moving, you can tell this by the way in which the train is blurred and everything around it/in the background is still and not moving.

Initial idea


I also like the idea of using smoke for the movement, as I could use several different ways to show it. I would also like to edit the colour of the smoke to make it look unique, I would like to edit the colour of the smoke to green red and yellow.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Shutter Speed

Shutter Speed = 4000

  Shutter Speed = 2500

Shutter Speed = 1600

Shutter Speed = 1000

Shutter Speed = 25

Shutter Speed = 8

Thursday 6 October 2011

Aperture and Depth of Focus

Brightest Photo:

Next Brightest Photo:

Next Brightest Photo:

Darkest Photo:

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Basing my work on Adam Burton's Photography

   About Adam Burton:

  Adam Burton has been working as a full time photographer since 2008, in this time he has released four books and come up with some of the best landscape photography. He specializes in photography in the UK (Southwest England) and has photograph's from five of the seven continents. Adam started to teach himself the techniques of photography in 2001, mainly from reading magazines and putting hi techniques into practice. He has a high demand on his photo's since he started doing photography professionally, since 2004 his photo's have been published wide in newspapers and magazines.  

  Here is one of the landscape photo's captured by Adam Burton. He goes into great detail in his photo's and make them capture quite a defined look. By him doing this it makes his work stand out. He seems to make the most of the natural lighting and uses it to his advantage, by doing this he makes the photo show off what time of day it is and makes it look good. It also looks as if he has edited the lighting to add more of an effect to his photo, this makes it stand out more and look more professional. 

My photos':

  I decided to base my work on adam burton's as i like landscape photography, so this is what i went ahead and did. With each photo i took i then went onto edit the lighting and change colouring to what i felt was needed. In the first photo i changed it to the sepia effect as it resemble's autumn (from the brown colours), so it reflects onto the time of year it is. I also changed the contrast on it, so that it was as bright as the original photo. On the second photo i changed the lighting so that the coloring in it (i.e. the greens ) looked more seasonal too, i feel by doing this it makes the photo have meaning behind it. In the third photo i tried to make it so that the hill stood out more than the sky, giving the photo a sort of 3D effect. I then lightened the clouds in the sky so that it shows off the fact its a nice day in the photo. In the forth photo i didn't do much editing because i felt the original photo already captured the overall look i was going for.  Although i did try and lighten the sky to show off the pink in the horizon.